Eltek-Valere DC Power

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Whether you need a more effective deployment method for your business’s broadband services or you’re looking to improve on-premises telecommunications, an Eltek-Valere DC power system can give you a boost. As a provider of many economical and energy-efficient power solutions, Eltek-Valere has had a major impact on multiple industries.

At Worldwide Supply, you can find all the new and used Eltek-Valere DC power systems you need for a lower cost. Our refurbished models are just like new and will foster the kind of high efficiency you need to operate your systems and deliver services to consumers each day.

The Eltek-Valere DC power systems we offer at Worldwide Supply include:

  • Eltek-Valere Compact: True to its name, this is a compact system with low heat output and reliable power delivery for a wide variety of applications. The product offers both 24V and 48V power.
  • Eltek-Valere Flatpack: This hot-pluggable system supports fiber optic equipment, telephone systems, mobile networks and more. If you’re looking for a great power investment that can operate even in small spaces, this is the solution for you.
  • Eltek-Valere Minipack: The Minipack is optimized for service delivery in almost any location. With space for up to six rectifiers, this system will provide DC power you can count on.

Benefits of Refurbished Eltek-Valere DC Power Systems

DC power can support many different applications in the telecommunications industry, which makes it a valuable asset to your company. The power supply is a central factor to your company’s success and growth, especially if you regularly use or provide networking technology to a wide group of people.

Eltek-Valere DC power systems leave plenty of room for your business to scale up and down as needed — plus, their efficient power consumption and easy-to-manage designs could lead to major increases in revenue down the line.

These systems will also help you reduce the costs of installation and management. When you work with Worldwide Supply, we’ll develop a maintenance strategy to keep your system functional and up-to-date. This way, you can prevent system malfunctions and take quick action against any issues that may arise.

Contact Worldwide Supply

If you have any current power systems or other Eltek-Valere products you want to relocate, we accept a wide range of telecom equipment through our trade and exchange option. In addition, we’ll cover your used Eltek-Valere DC power system with a standard lifetime warranty, so you can rest assured of your equipment’s quality.

Check out our product pages for more details about the individual Eltek-Valere DC power systems we have in stock. Plus, contact us today to request a quote on used Eltek-Valere DC power systems.